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Time Management

                      It’s the end of the day again and I am baffled, perplexed and confused—not an unusual state  for me, but I don’t understand, how did a day pass and I’ve been so busy but done nothing?             I’ve attacked physical therapy with a vengeance, walked the dogs, did a load of laundry, and ate lunch. I then spent an hour reading—okay—it was Twitter, or whatever they call it now, but still, I read it. I was exhausted after the slog through social media, so a nap was in order. Napping is an excellent use of time I’ve discovered. It should be institutionalized. Why can’t adults bring a nap rug to work? Everyone would awake in a more rested and a much better frame of mind if we were allowed a short nap during the workday. For those who are non-nappers forty-five minutes of quiet time would suffice. That means no screens, no games, no talking.  Shush--don't disturb your neighbor.             In any case, I was awakened at promptly 3:30 by a cold nose in the face.

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