Useless Information

   There are  multiple reports of stir- crazy folks ready to walk off the roof about now.  I haven't found being at home alone too rough -- but I've been on my own with only dogs and cats to talk to for awhile, so I hit the crazy as a bedbug range of the meter a long time ago. When my kids come home  I often hear, "Who are you talking to?" drift in from the other room while I am in a deep metaphysical conversation with the cat, or one of the ferns that hang from my kitchen window.  The rabbit's foot fern pictured above has strong opinions on some subjects. Arguing with it can be as frustrating as arguing with myself.

 What's that you ask?

  This  is a picture of a very special gift my daughter gave me a couple of years ago. I thought I'd include it in this news update because --why not? While the pretty pink cast to it is very nice, that's not what makes it special. What makes it special is that through some kind of cyber mojo-magic that only she and the builder of the lamp understand, it's connected to an identical lamp that she has. When in sync she can touch her lamp in Nashville, Tennessee and my little lamp blushes pink because it has been electronically tickled. If I then touch mine in response to hers:

Mine does this and hers turns another color-orange, red, green, or purple I don't remember because I can't actually see it.  It's a wonderful reminder that someone is thinking of me every now and then.  Before you all go envious on me and ask where you can get yours I confess I don't know what it's called or how you get one because I sent the box to my sister with other stuff inside. She was disappointed. She thought she was getting her own Mojo-Magic lamp. Bait and switch. If you want one,  ask Mr. Google to search  Mojo-Magic Lamp and see what pops up.  

  Being easily entertained these days I am highly attuned to small happenings in the news, such as this tweet from the Taneytown, Maryland Police Department:

Taneytown Police Department
on Tuesday
Please remember to put pants on before leaving the house to check your mailbox. You know who you are. This is your final warning.
  (I didn't think they could see me all the way from Maryland. Sorry, didn't mean to offend. Since this is my final warning I am left to wonder what happens next)

  The news this week has been full of stories about people fed up at being forced to be cooped up with their families for God's sake, who demand the right to roam free, get sick as a dog and infect others with this plague we are all trying to avoid. Waving guns and pressing their noses and hot breath fogging up the the glass of their respective state houses to see if they can actually catch a glimpse of a governor, they hope their protest will change public policy. I am perplexed by the waving guns thing. I don't think you can shoot a virus, though I could be wrong.  I would grant that these folks have the right to try. I'm for defeating this bad boy bug by any means possible.

  With this as a backdrop, back home in Indiana, our state Election Board met to vote on No Excuse Absentee Balloting for the primary election which was postponed until June 2. (June 2,Hoosiers -- got that? No excuse absentee ballots so no excuse not to vote Submit your application for a ballot now..) The meeting via Zoom was moving along when another protest of a sort interrupted the proceedings -- an uninvited participant hijacked the session with a link to himself -- what did they used to call it? Ah yes, participating in self abuse, which goes to show even a dry as dust meeting can have a "must see viewing" aspect in some spots.

  I hear this morning that the French think they may have a virus slayer drug developed. It goes into clinical trials soon.They are so confident that they have already contracted with a drug company for mass distribution. That's great news, and who better than the French? The report said to be the most effective the vaccine must be administered during a long lunch of baguette, cheese and a good Cabernet Sauvignon.

  In my own little world, the dogs and I have become accustomed to joy riding lately. They both like to take a spin around town as much as the next person. The post office is a popular destination. I can just swing through the outdoor drop and be on my way, left to wonder about the people who popped out of the 25 cars in the parking lot and all crammed into our very small post office lobby waiting for service. I make up stories about why they'd take the risk of such close proximity to one another. Sending homemade chicken soup to a sick family member maybe? The ones I see going in aren't even wearing masks. Maybe they haven't heard there is a pestilence loose upon the land.

  But speaking of masks, sporting my best red bandanna,looking not unlike a bandit ready to hold up the Wells Fargo stage coach,(you will note I chose the Wells Fargo coach because they decidedly deserve to be robbed due to their sketchy business practices) I was pleased to see most of the shoppers I encountered wearing them this morning when I decided to throw caution to the wind and stop in at the grocery store. I was running out of Tate's chocolate chip cookies and bacon wrapped rawhide chews, (we have our priorities) so it had to be done.  And I was pleased to see people turn around and go the other way rather than pass me in the aisle -- it would appear that social distancing is really becoming a thing -- or my lack of a shower is a possibility.  I walked out of there having spent almost $100 bucks after spending another $100 bucks on the grocery delivery that turned up later in the morning. To be completely honest, there were a lot of dog treats and items containing chocolate chips in those bags. The Great Quarantine of 2020 is costing me a fortune in pet parephenalia

 I've also decided if you are going to the store you should go during old people's hour -- assuming you're an old person. What constitutes being old these days? And when it's raining. I noted the influx of wet old people there this morning but not too many of them. I've decided first thing in the morning is the cleanest time of day also. Maybe it was my imagination but I thought I could  smell the Lysol in the air. And speaking of Lysol-I was finally able to score some anti-viral wipes.  It's amazing I have survived this long without them.

  So another healthy week sequestered has passed. My wish is for everyone to stay home, stay safe. And for those demanding normal-- we all want normal -- but I am not willing to sacrifice the lives of others in a misguided premature attempt to get there. Not my family members, neighbors, co-workers,my doctor, nurses, or the kid who works the front counter at Wendys -- I am not willing to sacrifice any of them..  I realize I am lucky, I still have a job, and if necessary, I can retire -- albeit at reduced circumstances. (If you have any good cat food recipies I want to hear from you.) I can't imagine the fear of those who have no savings and are out of work, or the fear of those who are on the front lines of the public response. Let's everyone take a deep breath, do what we can to care for our neighbor, and our communities. At this time we can't move faster than the virus. There is the heavy lifting to do and that involves the sacrifice of staying home. When you cut to the bone, it's the the most expedient way out of this.


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